sharepoint webdav

This article discusses the customization of SharePoint search results using XSLT style sheets and WebDAV for iterative development. The steps to enable WebDAV on a Windows Server 2003 virtual machine are also provided.

Using XSLT Style Sheets for Display Customization

When working on a SharePoint search results customization project, it is essential to have a quick and efficient way to perform iterative development of the XSLT style sheet. This can be achieved by uploading the style sheet to a Document Library in the Search Center site and configuring the Core Results Web Part’s XSL Link to point to the URL of the style sheet. By doing so, any changes made to the style sheet will be instantly reflected in the Core Results Web Part.

Enabling WebDAV on Windows Server 2003

In order to utilize WebDAV for the iterative development process, it must first be enabled on the development server. For Windows Server 2003 virtual machines, follow these steps:

  1. Enable WebDAV in IIS: This can be found in the Web Service Extensions section.
  2. Enable and start the WebClient service: The WebClient service is disabled by default on Windows Server 2003.

The WebClient service enables Windows-based programs to create, access, and modify Internet-based files. If the service is stopped or disabled, these functions will not be available, and any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.

Accessing the Document Library with Windows Explorer

With WebDAV enabled and the WebClient service started, you can now access the Document Library using Windows Explorer. Use a path similar to the following:


This method enables you to efficiently edit and save the XSLT style sheet, making it an ideal solution for customizing SharePoint search results.